About me

I am currently a Research Associate and Adjunct lecturer at the University of Michigan. I am a recent Master’s graduate from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and I was fortunate to be advised by Stella X. Yu. I am broadly interested in machine learning with applications in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Specifically, I am exploring the emerging learning capabilities of Large language models (In-Context learning) and adapting diffusion models for dense prediction tasks and eliciting adversarial robustness.

Prior to joining UMich, I was a junior researcher at the Indian Institute of Science where I got to extensively work on semantic segmentation, learning with limited labelled data, domain adaptation, active and self-supervised learning.

Before my stint at IISc, I was a Software Engineer in Robert Bosch where I worked on applying statistical machine learning algorithms to develop component models for vehicle modelling software(VeMoX). In undergrad, I interned in the student satellite program from ISRO where I worked on developing an attitude determination algorithm using Extended Kalman filters.

I enjoy long treks, music from Pink Floyd and Odesza, learning about behavioural economics, psychology and exploring financial markets. I am an AI researcher by day and a geo-political analyst by night. Can talk about AI, MMA, F1 and life all day, every day :)

I am open to research collaborations. Hit me up to discuss and collaborate on potential research problems!

Update: I am on the Industry job market! Please reach out (narend@umich.edu) if I might be a good fit for your team.


  • Serving as a reviewer for NeurIPS 2024.
  • Serving as a reviewer for IJCAI 2024.
  • Serving as a reviewer for ECCV 2024.
  • Serving as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) at the School of Information in Winter 2023.
  • Serving as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) at the School of Information in fall 2022.
  • Serving as a reviewer for Transactions on Machine Learning Research.
  • Serving as a reviewer for WACV 2023.
  • Starting my research internship in summer 2022.
  • Serving as a reviewer for ACML 2022.
  • Serving as a reviewer for CVPR L3D-IVU Workshop 2022.
  • Finally started grad school at UMich!! Wohoo.
  • Serving as a reviewer for WACV 2022.
  • Will be attending EEML summer school 2021.
  • Our paper on semi-supervised domain adaptation has been accepted at CVPR L2ID 2021 workshop.
  • Serving as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
  • I will be presenting our work at IJCAI 2020 conference.
  • Serving as a reviewer for WACV 2021.
  • Served as a Pre-conference volunteer for ICLR 2020.
  • Our paper on weakly supervised few-shot segmentation is accepted at IJCAI 2020.
  • Our paper on few-shot object segmentation is accepted at ICLR PML4DC 2020 workshop.